Monday, June 6, 2011

Wilson's Flats

I took a walk through Wilson's Flats, part of the Grand River Conservation Area and took these sunset pictures: They are all HDR combinations.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

FJ Cruiser Light Painting - Final Version

I went back to Elora with fresh flashlight batteries and a fresh camera battery. The resulting image consisted of 57 photos/layers in Photoshop. Two or three hours of masking each layer resulted in this image. Most of the shots were ten seconds. The last few were twenty seconds,

Monday, May 30, 2011

Painting With Light Trial - FJ Cruiser

I thought I'd give light painting a try so I shot 34 photos of the FJ in Elora, before giving up due to a weak flashlight. After blending the photos, I can see how satisfying the technique can be. I will definitely do some more of this!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Few HDR Shots Around Elora

I took advantage of some nicely lit buildings and the sunset to create these photos which include the Wellington County Museum.

17mm lens - 3 shot HDR

300 mm lens - 3 shot HDR

300 mm lens - 3 shot HDR

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

March Trip to Cayo Costa Florida

In March we made another trip to Cayo Costa. Of particular  interest this year was the moon's closest proximity to the earth in over 100 years. We got some nice shots on the beach in the moonlight.

Strong Moonlight Shadows Just After Sunset

Boca Grand Pass in the Moonlight
(Notice the stars?)

Group Photo at Boca Grande Pass (Tarpon fishing capital of the world)

Having supper in the moonlight



Andrew, Nicole, Peter and Kathie in the Moonlight

Walking across the Island

April 2011 Canoe Trip

We camped on a lovely Island near Algonquin Park last weekend. Here are some shots from the trip using the 8mm fisheye:

Breaking the ice from the bow with a paddle!

The Fisheye lens makes some things look wonky.

April 2011 Photos of Elora

I just received a new 8mm Fisheye lens and took a few photos around Elora as a test run. It is a lot of fun and opens up many new opportunities for compositions. Here are some samples:

Wellington County Museum and Archives

David Street Bridge and Irvine River

Mill Street, Elora

Irvine Gorge Stairs